• Planning vs. Predicting: Market Thoughts

    After a sustained period of above-average equity market returns, stocks have struggled so far in 2022 as markets weigh multiple uncertainties including inflation, looming interest rate increases, Omicron impacts, and growing tensions between Russia and Ukraine. Times like these can be understandably unnerving. As we often say, however, we must remember that the “downs” are an unavoidable part of investing. A thoughtful financial plan accounts for and is resilient to, these market downturns. 

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  • What’s New For 2022

    “May we live in interesting times,” and “All Things Work Together for Good,”  These have been repeated themes for me over the years, continuing to…

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  • Beyond the Headlines: Portfolio Resilience

    At Morris Financial Concepts, we’ve noticed that after a long period with almost no downside volatility, equity markets have become more reactive to negative news…

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  • Biden’s Build Back Better Act

    Many may be concerned about the changes in the new taxes under the $1.75 trillion Build Back Better Act, which is President Joe Biden’s signature…

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  • Potential Economic Impacts of the Delta Strain

    Businesses, schools, restaurants, and other establishments across the nation have reopened following increasing vaccinations and decreasing infections from the COVID-19 virus. However, the nation now…

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  • How to Get Tax-Free Income in Retirement

    Life can get busy quickly (the understatement of the year). Between kids, work, pets, and friends, we often have little downtime. With the lure of…

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