• Safe Spending in Retirement

    Determining exactly how much money you will need in your retirement years is no simple feat. No one wants to spend too much early on…

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  • A Guide to Safe Withdrawal Rates When Approaching Retirement

    A common topic of conversation amongst middle-aged Americans or those approaching retirement age is the topic of income during retirement. One of the most intriguing…

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  • Everything You Need to Know About Qualified Business Income Deductions

    With the Tax Cuts and Job Act brought into action just last year, businesses and citizens everywhere are still trying to wrap their heads around…

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  • Defining Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) and How they Work

    Qualified charitable distributions (QCD) are distributions from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) owned by an individual who is age 70½ or older, that are paid…

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  • Choosing the Right Financial Advisor

    The role of a financial advisor is to help you strategically manage your wealth over a period of time. As simple as that sounds, there…

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  • New Year, New Bank Account: How to Save Money in the New Year

    As the end of January rolls around, the reality of your New Year’s resolutions are likely kicking in. While many people resolve to lose weight…

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